Makoto Miyakoshi, PhD

Makoto Miyakoshi is a computational neuroscientist and the founder of GYREE, a San Diego-based company that provides services focused on electroencephalogram (EEG) analyses, software development in Matlab, and consultation for related topics. He has a PhD in experimental psychology from Nagoya University, Japan. He is the co-developer of EEGLAB, a software package for EEG data analysis, and has published numerous academic papers on the subject. He is passionate about using EEG to understand the human brain and hopes to use his company to make EEG more accessible to researchers and clinicians around the world.

Here are some key points from his biography:

  • He is a computational neuroscientist with a PhD in experimental psychology.

  • He is the founder of GYREE, a San Diego-based company that provides services focused on electroencephalogram (EEG) analyses, software development in Matlab, and consultation for related topics.

  • He has co-developed EEGLAB, a software package for EEG data analysis.

  • He has published numerous academic papers on EEG.

  • He is passionate about using EEG to understand the human brain.

2023Tiff Thompson