School of Neurotherapy Conference

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Nested Observer Windows: A Framework for Hierarchical Information Integration and Potentially Hierarchical Consciousness

Presented by: Jonathan Schooler

Subjective experience is typically conceptualized as a monologue, and yet it is commonplace to experience conflicting thoughts. In our model of consciousness, we assert that the mind is a dialogue, or debate, between different desires and unique interpretations of events. Furthermore, ownership is assigned to our thoughts, and yet our thoughts often emerge, fully-formed, without an obvious point of origin. When we will ourselves to act, the command is sometimes initiated and sometimes met with resistance. In this light, we propose the Nested Observer Windows (NOW) Model, a framework for hierarchical information integration (and potentially hierarchical consciousness) built on three principles. First, observer windows are created via synchrony and integrate information over discrete temporal intervals, which creates a flow of time. Second, observer windows form functional networks with their neighbors via coherence, and a dialogue between cognitive streams unfolds. Third, observer windows are nested such that each is composed of sub-windows and information is integrated in a recursive mosaic tiling schema. Streams of information traveling bottom-up are bound into abstract representations and top-down streams disseminate control signals via cross-frequency coupling. A nested hierarchical structure accounts for the richness of perception and how simple internal commands generate complex behavior. The theoretical framework of the NOW Model generates testable predictions for the interdisciplinary study of information integration in cognition and readily allows for comparison and potential integration of current theories of consciousness.

Learning Objectives:

o  Participant will be able to engage in a basic discussion of the three metaphors underpinning the NOW model of conscious.

o  Participant will be able to engage in a basic discussion of the three principles of resonance that the NOW model relies on.

o  Participant will be able to identify some of the predictions of the NOW model and ways it may be tested.


Content builds upon the learner's foundational knowledge, familiarity with the literature and/or experience in a content area. Programming at this level includes more depth than at a beginning level program. It could also serve as a refresher course for individuals who have a background in a content area and are interested in learning more contemporary applications. The primary goal of this particular program is to broaden the clinical, consultative, and research knowledge bases of attendees and was deemed intermediate, by the definition above.  For those psychologists using the modality of biofeedback and interested in efficacy, science, and latest clinical applications. This conference presents research relevant to psychological practice, education, and science; (2) it is our intention to host an offering to help psychologists to keep up with the most current scientific evidence regarding assessment, intervention, and education; and (3) we believe that this program would allow psychologists to increase competencies to improve services to patients. This conference is IN NO WAY a substitute for the basic academic education and training needed for entry into the field of psychology.

Presentation Scheduled

Friday 9:00 am - 10:00 am